
Showing posts from February, 2016

How can NGOs launch "Massive, Self-Sustainable Collaborative Learning" Programs?

UNDESA – DSPD “Massive, Self-Sustainable Collaborative Learning” The 54th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD54) Panel on Sustainable Education This is a slightly extended version of Richard C Close sustainable education panel presentation that includes material that addresses questions received after the 10 minute panel presentation. This one of six panel UN HQ presentations from the  session: Education for the Sustainable Inclusion of Displaced Populations: innovative civil society and multi- stakeholder solutions across continents UN HQ Feb 11 2016 at 1:15pm in Conference Room E. More: or

Data Analytics and Evaluating Faculty/Student Experience

I just finished reading, “ Visualizing Knowledge Networks in Online Courses ” by Brian Dashew of Columbia University. It is one of the clearest papers I have read on LMS web analytics as a tool to guide faculty on the dynamics of their online courses. In plain English, the purpose of online graphical analytics is as follows: When in front of a live class, we can tell how we are doing if the students are silent, bored to death or if the room is vibrant with discussion. Graphical web analytics allows us to see, at least at a superficial level, how our class is interacting. Online graphical models serve up visual patterns between students and faculty at a granular level. Graphic analytics enables faculty to see the patterns of their online classes when they are blind to the facial reactions and body language of their students. My exploration of learning transformation examines the personal, cultural/experiential side of life in poverty and trauma. After 15-years of exploration, it l...