
Resume: Richard C. Close CV

Instructional Design Portfolio

Interactive Portfolio: www.richardclose.com


2015 "Fish for Resources" Course
Object: is for the student to build a completely localized and function aqua farm business plan.
Technology: Captivate 7, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat Pro
Client: This is a prototype course for Masters Instructional Design Full Sail University.
This is a ramified course that leverages global content and context outside of the lesson architecture.
The uses Project Based Learning and AL mentoring. The design is based on the the Global Learning Framework. Global Learning Framework is copyright of Richard C. Close
Copyright of all images belong with the South African NGO www.sarnessa.org.

One Minute Overview

Course Walk Through

2014 "Four Stroke Engine" Captivate Course
Objective: This is a real production HS course containing two videos and tests.
Technology: iPad, Audition, Premium Pro, Captivate 7, Illustrator, Photoshop.
Client: For Master Instructional Design Full Sail University and a CT public HS.
Note: This course designed to both teach the mechanics of Four Stroke engines and develop a culture of expert and perfection in work by identifying oneself as a engineer/mechanic.

2014 "Robotics Seven Segment LED and Lab Report" PowerPoint SmartBoard Lesson
Object: To template a PowerPoint lesson to handle collaborative Project Based Learning with a Smartboard. This module is currently in use in Ridgefield High School, CT. This is part of my Global Learning Framework methods
Client: For Master Instructional Design Full Sail University and a CT public HS.

This templates was demostrated in a presentation for the 2014 Global Education Conference:

2014 "Teaching in Africa" Video
Objective: Develop a information video short leveraging sound to motivate teachers to work in Africa. This is part of my Transformation Learning Framework methods
Client: Purpose Drive Education Center Kitale Kenya and Kenya Orphans.org

Close Richard Teaching in Africa Vimeo from 
"I am the Net" Trailer for "I am Africa. This is my story..." from Richard C Close on Vimeo.
>Richard C Close on Vimeo.

2014 "Physics of Shop Safety" Instructional Video
Object: Real production course used to sensitize material sciences shop class of the forces and management of wood working shop material.

2014 "Video, The Teaching Kitchen"
This an Action Research video documenting the life inside a Bridgeport Rescue Mission homeless center. It is part of a photographic donation book I developed for the mission.
Technology: Canon Rebel, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PremierPro

2014 "The Internet Market" Infographic
Technology: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Keynote

2007 UNESCO Grant "I am Africa, This is my story" Ning Digital Storytelling Program
Link: http://i-am-the-story.ning.com
Tools: Ning, Photoshop, iMovie, MS Movie Maker, small video recording divides.
Client: UNESCO Power of Peace Network Grant

"I am the Net" Trailer for "I am Africa. This is my story..." from Richard C Close on Vimeo.


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