Global Youth Digital Journalism Community Launched “I am Africa. This is my Story…” Re-opens

July 4th, 2017: A Global Digital Storytelling and Journalism Community Learning System called “I am The Story…” will be launched by Chrysalis Campaign, Inc., USA Mojatu Foundation & Magazines. Prelaunch access is now available at

The original portal “I am Africa. This is my story…” was seed funded by UNESCO Power of Peace Network, Paris on March 1, 2011.  Then called  “I am Africa. This is my Story…” The program has been expanded for global youth. The initial July launch will start in Somaliland and Somalia.“ In this first phase of the Journalism Community Learning organizations can, in one day, provide a youth with feelings/skills of social empowerment the second phase, due in July, will have a comprehensive suite of journalism courses. Teachers and youth leaders will be able to download this training for free empowering in-depth journalism for youth around the world. As a UK publisher of an African Mojatu magazine we inform people around the world on African perspective. Our ground crews in Somali and Somalia are eagerly waiting for this material. Chrysalis has combined the training and the platform for self-expression in one free location. This should be real interesting to watch unfold. Frank Kamau Managing Director & Group Editor, Mojatu Foundation & Magazines

Youth and school, between the ages of 14 and 35, are encouraged use this free educational web community with press, schools, cyber cafes, youth groups, missions and government agencies to produce short YouTube autobiographical interviews and local journalism digital stories on The purpose is youth empowerment and digital literacy.

The 2017 version of the original 2011 campaign has been upgraded to allow schools and youth organizations to set up their customized personal pages that can serve a student ePortfolios for videos and articles. Schools and organization can set up their own groups. The JCLS is also tightly integrated with a YouTube Channel and Twitter. This is all designed to aid youth digital journalists to showcase their skills. Membership, downloadable class curriculum, and online courses are free. The online Learning System is designed by Richard Close is for teaching literacy and digital competencies with global collaborating.“Colonial multi-national media frequently projects a one-sided and seemingly false image of African and Middle East youth whenever negative issues become newsworthy. The truth is, millions of young adults are bright, hard working and accomplishing remarkable achievements that often times go unnoticed. It is a time that youth have a voice in the world, and it is a time that youth groups, ITCs, missions, schools and local mentors' help global youth tell their stories on the Internet.” – Richard Close Servant, CEO Chrysalis Campaign, Inc.


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