Below is a Link to a 20 page white paper I developed as a labor of love (no charge download at for my many friends in Africa and colleagues in academia. As one of my Linkedin contacts thought you might like a copy. The paper is filled with strategic and marketing tips to help expand the Internet’s global education reach. Teacher and community leaders need greater access to the Internet but also need the Teleco’s to partner with them on how to leverage the Internet’s content and collaborative resources.  We invite you to share this link with fellow government, education and ICT leaders.

“Human Collaboration,
Africa’s Revolutionary Application for Broad Band Expansion”

This unique paper evolved from a diner with New York City university professors and lawyers having a discussion about the issues around deploying broad band and Internet technology in Africa and developing countries. Because of my work in developing the Global Learning Framework and channel programs of Novell and Microsoft, these leader challenged me to place my views on paper.

The paper outlines how “Human Collaboration” is the killer application for Internet and that if the Teleco’s fully grasp that we can work together in our marketing and infrastructure programs in such a way that it grows the African (and other continent’s) infrastructure as a whole. My US perspective on this comes from building NYC first Technology Center, ICT education program and research on education, Internet learning and poverty.

In that I was once a marketing manager for MCI International I invite you to explore this paper with an open heart. It is written as a fun radical read, you will not be bored. We then urge you to reflect on your marketing and channel programs. Ray Norda’ concept of co-opitition transformed the global LAN market along with corporate culture forever. From our UNESCO workshops in Africa it is apparent that we are at the beginning of something truly remarkable. Our opportunity for radical growth is way beyond what our traditional forecast models can reflect.

Grab a coffee or tea and enjoy the read. Share with friends. Please provide me with views.


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