
Showing posts from June, 2017

Global Youth Digital Journalism Community Launched “I am Africa. This is my Story…” Re-opens

July 4th, 2017: A Global Digital Storytelling and Journalism Community Learning System called “I am The Story…” will be launched by Chrysalis Campaign, Inc., USA Mojatu Foundation & Magazines. Prelaunch access is now available at . The original portal “I am Africa. This is my story…” was seed funded by UNESCO Power of Peace Network, Paris on March 1, 2011.   Then called   “I am Africa. This is my Story…” The program has been expanded for global youth. The initial July launch will start in Somaliland and Somalia. “ In this first phase of the Journalism Community Learning organizations can, in one day, provide a youth with feelings/skills of social empowerment the second phase, due in July, will have a comprehensive suite of journalism courses. Teachers and youth leaders will be able to download this training for free empowering in-depth journalism for youth around the world. As a UK publisher of an African Mojatu magazine we inform people a...

"I am Africa. This is my Story..." Relaunched

In 2011 UNESCO rewared me with grant to build a digital storytelling site for African youth. Have recieved many requests to relaunch it over the years. With the help Mojatu we will be launching it in Somaliland and Somali. Hear is the PowerPoint for the new classroom workshop. 101 How to Create Digital Autobiography Storyies by "I am The Story" Draft from Chrysalis Campaign, Inc.