Article Human Collaboration the Peoples Revolution of a Global Learning Framework by Richard C. Close

Article Global Education Magazine
Issue 5 Pages 44 - 51


While traditional classrooms wade through indexed text books chapter by chapter in order to pass Friday’s test, a torrent of knowledge is streaming past and through the students on their cell phones. While the teacher at the head of class has a one way channel of dumping facts into empty buckets, billions of people outside the classroom walls are exchanging terabits of fluid knowledge in collaborative communities.” This paper discusses how humans have evolved technology to a point where Internet learning has bypassed academia, this is the revolution. It then discusses practical methods for integrating global learning within classroom academics.

This visionary and disruptive paper proposes an ugraded set of global education theories and practical methods of how educators and NGO can leverage the content and collaborations. Digging deeper into contemporary theories about technical collaboration the article highlights the role of human context that is managing internet content. The Global Learning Framework™ illustrates how human experience and local values collaborate with the global knowledge base. The paper covers how and why global learning via Internet appliances is bypassing our industrial curriculum models. This paper is a subset of the paper “Human Collaboration the Peoples Revolution of a Global Learning Framework available with references at
In the same way that dictators are waking up to flash protests and are shocked at how an entire nation can overthrow an authoritarian trickle down knowledge structure in days, global collaborative learning is overthrowing traditional academic classrooms and page turning eLearning programs. Educators need to take notice that the same revolution of human-technology is taking place with students that have challenged the relevance of learning-in-a-vacuum facts that are dysfunctional with our youth’s reality as a global collaborative.

The entrenchment of colonial/industrial education is when an authoritarian group imparts their knowledge down with curriculum textbooks into the working classes/cultures. While at the same time, democracy in education has the masses fully empowered to explore, create and share knowledge on equal footing between students, the same way billions of people typically use the Web today. The disconnectedness between these two approaches of learning is vast, wide and now becoming antagonistic.

In addition, the argument that the digital divide is because affluence can afford technology and the poor cannot is now growing weaker, because the barriers to cell and PC access are fading. It is only about access and soon everyone will have it. This will happen as the cell phone bypasses the PC as a personal network appliance.

Full white paper with references available at                                                                                                                                                                                                           

         This article illustrates the need for new strategies for the expansion of global education and Telco organizations in order to accelerate the development of villages throughout the world. We need a massive upgrade to our approach, because it is the human instinct to learn collaboratively that will drive this growth into a profitable reality not just by technology itself. 


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